
如果你遭到性侵犯,你可以为自己做的最重要的事情之一就是立即接受后续的医疗救助. 你可能受伤了,需要治疗, and you may want to be tested for pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

  • 如果你最近被侵犯过 展开下拉
    • You are encouraged to go to an emergency room of your choosing. The most important reason to do this is to 检查 for injuries. 冲击, and general aches and pains from the assault may be difficult to distinguish from a serious injury. Although it will not be easy, an exam may help set your mind at ease. You will also be given important information about STIs and pregnancy.
    • 如果你还没有采取避孕措施, you may want to ask your doctor or nurse about emergency contraception, 被称为“事后避孕药”.“这种治疗是一种高剂量的雌激素,如果在袭击后72小时内服用,已被证明对预防怀孕有效. Your doctor or nurse will be able to discuss the risk and benefits of such a treatment. The hospital may also give you antibiotics for gonorrhea and chlamydia. 您可能会开始接种预防乙型肝炎系列疫苗,并转介进行艾滋病毒和梅毒检测. If base-line tests for pregnancy and STIs are completed, they will only tell you if you were infected or pregnant before the assault.
    • 需要立即就医的另一个重要原因是为刑事调查收集物证. 根据密歇根法律, every hospital emergency department is required to offer a Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kit, if the assault happened within the previous 96 hours. Evidence is best collected within six hours of the assault. 你不需要有完整的工具包, 如果你还没有决定起诉你的肇事者,医院也不能拒绝使用这个工具包.
    • 两者都是。. 约瑟夫仁慈医院和密歇根大学的急诊室有一个可用于治疗性侵犯的护士审查员项目, 测试和证据收集. 医院急诊科受过专门训练的工作人员或护士审查员可以完成性侵犯证据收集考试. 这个标准化考试是一系列的实验室测试,旨在收集物证,用于起诉性侵犯. Your nurse, doctor or SafeHouse Center advocate can explain exactly what the exam entails.
    • 谁来支付去医院的费用? 密歇根安全响应计划, (2009年1月生效)确保性侵犯受害者从不直接支付法医检查费用. 无论受害者是否选择向执法部门报告袭击事件,安全响应计划都将支付检查费用. If the victim has medical insurance which would cover the cost of the exam, the SAFE Response legislation requires that insurance be used to pay for the exam, 除非受害者认为账单保险会严重干扰他/她的个人隐私或安全. 作为保障, 立法规定,在支付保险费用之前必须征得受害者的书面同意. SAFE Response will pay for an exam if a patient who is a victim of sexual assault had no insurance, 或者患者认为计费保险会严重侵犯其个人隐私或安全. SAFE Response will also pay costs that the patient’s insurance company will not pay, 比如自付额或免赔额. SAFE Response will pay up to $600 for any one exam, as follows: up to $400 for the use of an emergency room, 诊所, 或考场, and the sexual assault medical forensic examination and related procedures other than laboratory services and dispensing pharmaceutical items related to the sexual assault; up to $125 for laboratory service; and up to $75 for dispensing pharmaceutical items related to the sexual assault. See Chapter 4 of this handbook for more information about the Crime Victim’s Compensation Board.
    • 以下链接包含有关犯罪受害者赔偿委员会的更多信息,以及可下载的外管局回应索赔表格:http://www.密歇根.gov / mdch / 0 1607 7 - 132 - 54783 - _54853———00.我需要做一个警察报告? 许多医院将要求医院和医生报告所有暴力造成的伤害的法律解释为向警方报告所有性侵犯的任务. 在急诊科接受治疗或完成性侵犯证据收集包并不意味着你必须与警察交谈. 你可以选择不和警官说话. If you are currently unsure about participating in criminal prosecution, having the sexual assault evidence collection kit completed will help keep your options open. Typically, evidence may be kept for a few weeks as you consider your options. Hospital personnel should inform you of how long the evidence will be stored prior to destruction. 没有你在授权表上的签名性侵犯证据收集包是不能交给警方的.
    • “Rape Drugs” Some assailants use drugs (such as Rohypnol, also known as Roofies; Gamma hydroxybutyric acid, also known as GHB; or Ketamine also known as Special K; to name a few) to physically control their victim and render them defenseless. If you believe you were drugged, inform your doctor. Blood or urine tests may detect the drug in your system. 检测应尽快进行,因为有些药物只能在摄入后12小时内检测出来.
    • 私人医生怎么样? Although you may feel more comfortable with your family doctor, he or she will likely not be available 24 hours a day, 而且很可能会送你去医院完成性侵犯证据收集检查. 私人医生无法使用这个工具包. 治疗你的医院可以把你的出院信息发给你的私人医生,你可以和她或他一起完成你的后续护理.
    • 大学保健处的情况如何?? If you are considering reporting what happened to you, you may want an evidence collection kit. 保健处不收集试剂盒的证据. 他们指的是圣. Joseph Mercy医院做这个手术. 如果你只是喜欢抗生素, B计划, 还有体检, UHS should be able to assist you during their regular business hours.
  • 如果你在过去被侵犯过 展开下拉
    It is still very important to receive medical attention. You may want to have pregnancy and STI tests done. Although a sexual assault evidence collection exam can be performed at any time, the chances of collecting evidence decreases significantly when more than a few days have gone by. However, you can still report the crime to the police and prosecution is still possible.
  • 后续医疗护理 展开下拉
    • 建议进行妊娠随访检查. 即使你服用了预防性药物,在被侵犯几周后重新检查也是非常重要的. 后续检查也会让你有机会检查你的伤势,并讨论自袭击以来可能出现的任何新的身体症状. 也, 你可能从侵犯者那里感染的任何性传播感染都不会在以后出现.
    • 在袭击后治疗你的医院会把出院证明寄给你的医生,或者让你选择返回医院进行后续检查. The follow-up exam may bring back memories of the assault. This may be difficult for you and you may want extra support and counseling. 如果你没有保险或有财务问题, you can get pregnancy and STI tests at University Health Service (UHS) (734-487-1122), 计划生育或者卫生部门. UHS accepts the EMU Student Insurance Plan and accepts regular forms of payment (cash, 检查, 信贷). Planned Parenthood will charge you based on your ability to pay.
  • 常见的性传播感染 展开下拉
  • EMU’s 资源 to STI Testing and HIV Counseling 展开下拉

    地点: 352学生中心
    什么时候提供? 每月第二个和第四个星期一下午4点到6点.
    Services are offered by Unified, who offers several community health support services in the
    Check out the link for more information about Unified Services. (链接:

    You may want to keep track of STIs for which you have been tested or treated. 问问你的医生
    或者确切地知道哪些测试正在完成. 症状可能需要几年才能消失
    一些性传播感染出现了. Information and testing could potentially save your life. 桌上的桌子
    following page contain information about the eight most common STIs. 询问你的医疗保健

  • 艾滋病毒/艾滋病 展开下拉
    • While sexual assault survivors are at low risk for HIV infection, 艾滋病毒检测可能会让你感觉更舒服. It is recommended that you get tested 2-6 weeks following the assault and again at 3, 在袭击发生6到12个月后. University Health Services and the county health department will have information about free, 匿名艾滋病毒检测. You can ask a health care professional or sexual assault counselor for more information.
    • If it is determined by your doctor that you are at high-risk for HIV infection (i.e. 你的攻击者是HIV阳性或从事高风险行为(如注射毒品),你可能是HIV暴露后抗逆转录病毒治疗的一个很好的候选人. 你的医生会和你讨论这些风险, potential benefits and cost of this treatment with you. Assailants may be charged with a felony if they know that they have been diagnosed with HIV, 或明知自己是艾滋病毒阳性,在未事先告知自己的艾滋病毒/艾滋病诊断结果的情况下与他人发生性行为. (制程333.[5210公共卫生法].
  • 被告人的性传播感染及爱滋病病毒测试 展开下拉
    • 在刑事诉讼期间, 如果被告因违反刑事性行为罪而被移交巡回法院,而地区法院裁定有理由相信该违法行为涉及性侵或接触被告的体液, 法院应命令对被告进行性传播疾病的检查和测试。, 乙型肝炎感染, Hepatitis C infection or for the presence of HIV or an antibody to HIV.
    • With the victim’s consent the court will forward the victim’s name, address and phone number to the medical facility that conducts the defendant’s testing. The medical provider will immediately notify the victim of the test results. (制程333.5129]. 想要了解更多关于性传播疾病和感染的信息请访问疾病控制中心关于性传播疾病的网站. (链接: http://www.cdc.gov/std/default.htm )
