
An F-1 student in a degree program or a graduate certificate may be eligible for Occupational Practical Training (OPT), which allows the student to engage in temporary employment to gain practical experience in his or her field of study


OPT is practical work experience in your field of study (typically after completion of a degree). 最初的OPT允许学生工作长达12个月. Students on OPT are still considered to be F-1 students at EMU, even if working elsewhere in the U.S. The end result of the entire OPT application process is an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) in the form of a card that is issued by U.S. 美国公民和移民服务局(USCIS),并列出您批准的OPT期限的日期. The  EAD is not a working permit; it is an extension of your F-1 status for the purposes of practical training.


  1. Post-completion OPT: A student can apply for this OPT after they have completed their program at EMU, 本页的信息将专门介绍这种类型的OPT.
  2. Pre-completion OPT: This type of OPT is available to the student while they are completing their degree requirements at EMU. 申请预完成OPT并不常见,因为CPT通常是最好的选择. You should reach out to [email protected] 如果您对预完成OPT有其他问题.


Students who: 

  • Are in legal F-1 status and have been full-time enrolled for at least a full academic year at EMU
  • 有少于一年的全职cpt认证
  • 谁将在本学期完成一门课程
  • 谁的OPT工作将与其所学课程直接相关. 在申请OPT之前,你不需要有工作安排.

向OISS申请OPT I-20的要求

  1. Attend an OPT seminar with OISS. 查看澳门官网正规网站登录整个学期的时事通讯和网站,了解日期和时间. 
  2. Meet with your department academic advisor to receive a signed letter (on school letterhead) that indicates the name of your degree level, degree program, and expected graduation date.
  3. Download your most recent I-94.
  4. Fill out and submit the 完成后opt申请表.


OISS顾问将审核您的请求, 如果你符合要求并且有资格申请OPT,就可以申请I-20.


澳门官网正规网站登录强烈鼓励学生复习 I-765 Instructions provided by USCIS. OISS不负责您向USCIS的申请, 澳门官网正规网站登录只能提供最低限度的申请指导. 

美国移民局更希望学生提交他们的 OPT application online 而不是纸质版本. 不要两种方式都提交,因为这可能会导致拒绝申请.

  • USCIS must receive your application between 90 days before you complete your program and up to 60 days after you complete your program. 如果您的申请在规定时间内未收到,将被拒绝.
  • USCIS must also receive your application within 30 days of the date your OPT I-20 is issued. 
  • You must be inside the U.S. when filing your application (OISS strongly recommends that you do not travel outside the U.S. 直到你的OPT被批准并拿到你的EAD卡)
  • 在I-765表上填写完成后OPT的代码(c)(3)(B)
  • 提交任何以前的EAD卡的副本, CPT/OPT I-20s if applicable, 以及你从OISS收到的OPT I-20
  • Submit a colored U.S.-style passport photo that was taken within the last 6 months (should not be the same photo used in other immigration documents). Use the Photo Tool 从国务院网站上下载,以帮助确定尺寸. 
  • Submit your most recent I-94

After submission of your I-765, 如果您在网上申请,您将在您的在线USCIS帐户中收到收据通知. 

如果您被拒绝或收到证据请求(RFE),您可以通过电子邮件发送 [email protected]. Our office cannot guarantee that we will be able to assist depending on the reasons given by USCIS. 

If your application is approved, 你会收到一张EAD卡,上面写着你OPT期的批准日期. Do not start your employment until after you have your EAD card in hand and no earlier than the start date printed on the card.

USCIS Processing Times

有关USCIS申请处理时间的估计,请参阅 USCIS website

For an additional fee, you can request USCIS to expedite your application and make a decision on your application within 30 calendar days.  欲了解更多信息,请参阅USCIS网站 请求高级处理服务.


After your OPT has been Approved

You must submit your EAD Card 一收到就寄到澳门官网正规网站登录办公室. 

Per immigration regulations, you must report your employment details within 10 days of any updates. 您有两种选择来报告您的OPT就业信息, 请只选择一个方法进行更新. 更新您的门户网站和澳门官网正规网站登录的表格可能会导致您的SEVIS记录出现错误. 

  1. Set up your SEVP Portal Account, SEVP将在您的OPT获得批准后通过电子邮件详细说明如何设置您的门户. 您可以直接在门户中更新您的就业详细信息.
  2. 将您的详细信息提交给OISS OPT Employment Reporting Form. 澳门官网正规网站登录将在SEVIS中审核并更新您的就业记录.

学生在OPT期间只能失业90天. Students who have accrued 90 days or more of unemployment will be considered to be out of status. You will accrue unemployment time if you do not have active employment reported in your SEVP Portal/SEVIS records, 所以定期准确地更新你的澳门最正规网网站登录是很重要的. To avoid violating status, 在失业时间达到90天之前, 学生可以转学到其他sevp认证的学校, 改变教育水平,在欧洲经济联盟开始一个新的项目,或者离开美国.S.



OPT Cap-Gap Information

OISS不能就H-1B问题和申请提供建议, any student who is on OPT and are applying for H-1B should consult with their employers immigration office. 

  • 什么是Cap-Gap延期,谁有资格?  Expand dropdown
    A Cap-Gap Extension is a regulatory provision which extends an eligible F-1 student's status to bridge the gap between the end of F-1 status and start of H-1B status, 从而允许学生在“空档期”期间留在美国.“有两种类型的扩展:
    1. Extension of status and employment authorization - You may be eligible for an Extension of your F-1 status and authorized period of post-completion OPT (including the 24-month Extension) in the following circumstances:
      • Your employer files an H-1B petition in a timely manner with USCIS with an employment start date of October 1.
      • You are maintaining your F-1 status on the date your potential employer files your H-1B petition.
      • You are in an authorized period of post-completion OPT (including the 24-month Extension) on the date your potential employer files your H-1B petition.
      • USCIS及时收到H-1B申请.
    2. Extension of status only - You may be eligible for an Extension of your F-1 status through September 30 if you meet the following requirements:
      • Your potential employer files an H-1B petition in a timely manner with USCIS with an employment start date of October 1.
      • You are maintaining your F-1 status on the date your potential employer files your H-1B petition.
      • USCIS及时收到H-1B申请.

    While you are generally eligible for a Cap-Gap Extension if you meet the above qualifications, 具体情况可能有所不同. You should always talk with an OS advisor about whether you qualify for a Cap-Gap Extension of your F-1 status and, if applicable, your work authorization.

    Those filing for H1-B via consular processing -不符合Cap-Gap延期的条件. You must confirm with your employer if the H1-B will be filed as a change-of status or via consular processing.

  • 如何申请签证延期I-20 Expand dropdown

    Submit the Cap-Gap I-20 Request Form from the OISS website.


  • 如果H-1B签证申请延期后被拒签怎么办?  Expand dropdown

    如果学生的H-1B没有被选中,并且他们的OPT期限已经结束, the student will have the standard 60-day grace period from the date of the rejection notice to depart the US, 把I-20转移到一个新项目, or apply for a change of status. However, 如果拒绝是基于发现的状态违反, 没有这样的宽限期,学生必须离开美国.S. immediately.

  • Can I travel 在Cap-Gap延期期间 and still return with my OPT I-20 and EAD?  Expand dropdown

    A valid EAD card is required to re-enter 在Cap-Gap延期期间 along with a valid passport, F-1 visa, signed I-20 and employer letter. 持有EAD卡过期的学生没有资格重新进入美国.S. 在Cap-Gap延期期间.

    请注意,在美国境外旅行.S. 可能会影响你H-1B申请的处理. EMU OISS strongly advises students to consult with their employers regarding all travel plans before departing the U.S.

    If your EAD is expired, you will not be granted entry to the US based on the Cap-Gap Extension. 如果你必须在延期期间旅行, be prepared to apply for the H-1B visa outside the US and adjust your return travel plans accordingly. 注意:根据H-1B签证规定,你只能在10月1日前10天内进入美国.


  • 如果我的OPT在4月1日前到期怎么办? 初步的或自动的帽缺口延期会延长我的OPT吗? Expand dropdown

    Although your F-1 status would be extended if you are in your 60-day grace period when the petition is filed, 你的OPT工作授权期已过, and the Cap-Gap does not serve to reinstate or retroactively grant employment authorization. 你留在美国的合法身份.S. in F-1 status is extended, 但在10月1日H-1B生效之前,你必须停止工作.



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