
  • 在参加欧洲货币联盟期间到美国以外的地方旅行



    • 更新的I-20或经过验证的DS-2019 过去12个月内的OISS旅行记录. To obtain a travel signature you must be registered full-time (or have an approved Reduced Hours Form) for the current and future term, 如果学期开放注册. 
    • 护照 有效期至少为未来六个月.
    • 签证邮票 in your passport which is valid for re-entry on your anticipated return date. See the next sections if your visa is expired or will expire before you will reenter the U.S.
    • I-94: Make sure to surrender your I-94 card to the airline agents upon departure from the US if you have a hard copy of your I-94 and were not processed electronically last time you entered the US. 如果你要去加拿大旅行, 在墨西哥或邻近岛屿停留不超过30天, 你不应该交出你的I-94卡. Starting in summer 2013, Customs and Border Patrol officers were not issuing hard copy I-94 cards. 然而, you will still be given an I-94 number, which you should print proof of from the U.S. 海关及边境保护 网站. You will need the I-94 number and proof when applying for a Michigan driver's license, 一个社会安全号码和可选的实践培训.

    澳门官网正规网站登录还建议您携带,每美国.S. 政府的建议:

    • 经济支持证明
    • 24-hour emergency phone number at EMU, which is Department of Public Safety at 734.487.1222
    • 动车组录取通知书
    • I-901费用支付证明

    It is your responsibility to determine if the country you plan to visit requires a valid visa for you to enter.

    有关其他信息,请参见 移民局非移民常见问题解答:出入境 在美国.S. 国土安全部网站.

    学生 who do not have a valid travel signature will need to 申请一份新的有旅行签名的I-20.

  • 去美国以外的地方旅行.S. 初始OPT和STEM扩展OPT 


    当Initial OPT为Pending时

    Note that it can be challenging to travel while your OPT is pending. We recommend that you talk to an OISS advisor prior to making your travel arrangements.


    • 你的OPT申请已经被移民局收到,并且
    • 你的OPT还没有被批准,而且
    • Your 就业 Authorization Document (EAD) card has not been issued

    根据U.S. 旅游法规, 如果你没有工作, you may leave and then re-enter the United States to continue searching for OPT employment. 然而, travel during this time can be complicated as not all border officers are familiar with the entry regulations. If you must travel while your OPT is pending, you need to have the following documents with you:

    • 护照 (valid for six months after you plan to re-enter the U.S.)
    • Valid F-1 visa stamp in your passport (not required for Canadian citizens)
    • I-20 (with a travel signature no older than six months); present the most recent one to the visa or border officers, 但是要把他们都带在身边
    • I-765收货通知(表格I-797C)
    • 您的个人资料的屏幕截图 案件状态系统 to prove your pending status on the date of departure from your place of travel.

    如果你需要申请新的F-1签证 when your OPT application is pending, you will need to take the documents listed above to the visa appointment. 一定要阅读你的U.S. Consulate's 网站 for more information on additional documents required and procedures for F-1 visa issuance.

    警告:再次进入美国.S. in a status other than F-1 (such as a tourist) will terminate your OPT authorization and it cannot be renewed.

    When Initial OPT has ended and the STEM Extension is Not Yet Approved

    You are unable to travel outside the United States after your Initial OPT has ended while you await the STEM Extension approval from USCIS.


    当你的EAD卡签发后,OPT被批准. 一旦你的OPT被批准, you may leave and re-enter the United States only to begin or resume employment.
    If you need to travel while your OPT is approved, you should have the following documents on you:

    • 护照 (valid for six months after you plan to re-enter the U.S.)
    • Valid F-1 visa stamp in your passport (not required for Canadian citizens)
    • I-20 (with a valid travel signature no older than six months and your employment information listed on page 3). Present the most recent I-20 to the visa or border officers, 但是要把他们都带在身边.
    • 筒子,卡
    • 证明你已经在美国有工作. Proof of employment can include a letter from your employer and recent pay stubs.

    如果你需要申请新的F-1签证, you should also have your 筒子,卡 and evidence that you have a job in the United States, in addition to the usual documents required for a visa application. 一定要阅读你的U.S. Consulate's 网站 for more information on additional documents required and procedures for F-1 visa issuance.

    警告:再次进入美国.S. in a status other than F-1 (such as a tourist) will terminate your OPT authorization and it cannot be renewed.

    F-1 OPT期间的家属旅行

    F-2 dependents need to have the following documents when returning to the United States:

    • 护照 (valid for six months after you plan to re-enter the U.S.)
    • Valid F-1 visa stamp in your passport (not required for Canadian citizens)
    • I-20 (with a valid travel signature no older than six months); present the most recent one to the visa or border officers, 但是要把他们都带在身边
    • 带OPT推荐信的F-1学生I-20复印件, 工作许可证和工作证明(工作录用信), 工资存根).
  • 申请新签证


    澳门官网正规网站登录建议您在美国申请续签签证.S. consulate in your 首页 country or the consulate with jurisdiction over your 首页 residence. Keep in mind that depending on the time of year and your location, 你的新签证可能会有明显的延迟, 从而导致延迟返回美国.S. 复课. Also, visa applications are never guaranteed and you may be denied.


    • Be sure to read the consulate's 网站 where you plan on applying for your new visa to learn about the procedures and necessary application documents.
    • 查看U.S. 签证等待时间 to see the estimated time it will take for you to apply for and receive your visa (not including a potential background check).
    • 尽早申请签证.
    • 要求证明你的学生身份的文件. 澳门官网正规网站登录建议你收取:
      • 入学证明(由你的学校出具).emich account or SERVICE EMU) to confirm that you are enrolled full-time.
      • 成绩单(官方的或从你的学校打印出来的).Emich账户)来确认你的学历.
      • 下学期的课程表.
  • Travel to Canada, Mexico, or considered contiguous islands on an Expired F-1 or J-1 Visa


    如果你的F-1或J-1签证已经过期, you may not be required to obtain a new visa if you are traveling to Canada, 墨西哥或邻近岛屿. 这被称为自动签证重新验证.

    • Your trip must be limited to Canada, Mexico or a considered contiguous island
    • 你的旅行时间必须少于30天

    For more information on the regulations and eligibility of the Automatic Visa Revalidation, 请访问 旅游再入境常见问题.

  • Travel 提示 for 学生 with Pending or Approved H1-B Application

    Are you an F-1 student who is (or will soon be) the beneficiary of an H-1B petition and a request to change status to H-1B for employment starting on October 1? 如果你计划在你的H-1B签证开始前出国旅行, 请联系帮你申请H1-B的律师.
