
These guidelines apply to students who have chronic disabilities in the following areas:

  • Mobility - such as use of wheelchair, crutches, cane, or impaired hand coordination
  • Systemic- includes chronic illnesses or conditions such as diabetes, 癌症, 偏头痛, 癫痫, 还有心血管疾病, 自身免疫性, 神经系统紊乱
  • Acquired brain injury- affecting processing speed, 内存, 沟通, 电动机, 感觉, 物理, 和/或社会心理能力

Students requesting accommodations for a disability listed above are asked to submit documentation that meets the guidelines listed below. 除了, individuals with acquired brain injury may need to submit the following psycho-educational test battery:

  • an individually administered Aptitude Test battery (Intelligence or Cognitive tests) with all subtests included, such as The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – 4th 编辑ion (WAIS-IV) or the Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children - 5th 编辑ion (WISC-V).
  • 成就测试电池, 也被称为学术成就电池, such as The Woodcock Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery: Tests of Achievement. The Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) is not comprehensive and is not acceptable as the sole measure of achievement. 成就测验
    • reading - decoding and comprehension of long passages typical of college texts
    • mathematics - applied word problems and calculations, specifically algebra problems
    • written language skills - spelling and written expression.
  • 信息处理电池, such as the Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude (DTLA)or subtests from the WAIS-IV or WISC-V. These assessments must describe strengths,weaknesses,and deficits in:
    • 空间视觉能力,
    • 内存 (auditory and visual; short-term and long-term),
    • executive functions including: processing speed, attention, and auditory processing.
  • 提供合理便利的建议, which might be appropriate at the post-secondary level, 鼓励. These recommendations should be supported by the diagnosis.

1. 合格的评估员

进行评估的专业人员, 提供医学诊断, and making recommendations for appropriate accommodations must be qualified to do so. 这些都是医生,包括有执照的M.D.D选项.O.'s.
Documentation must meet the following criteria:

  • include the name, title, and professional credentials of the evaluator
  • be presented on professional letterhead, typed, dated, signed and legible
  • the evaluator may not be an immediate family member.

2. 当前文档

Reasonable accommodations are based on the current impact of a disability. 因此, it is critical that medical documentation describe an individual's current level of functioning and need for accommodations. A full report from a treating healthcare professional completed within the past twelve months is considered current, 除非情况是永久不变的. The documentation may need to be updated annually by using the DRC 102表格[PDF] 这样澳门官网正规网站登录才能最好地照顾学生 . It would be helpful to note whether the condition or diagnoses is permanent or unchanging, 如果适用的话.

3. 全面的文档

Medical disabilities encompass a myriad of conditions. 除了, medical conditions are often changeable in nature, 有时很难分类. 因此,文件必须详尽, 给出个人的全貌, 不仅仅是诊断. A diagnosis alone is not a basis for accommodation. 文件必须包括:

  • A clear diagnosis of medical disability must be rendered including:
    • clear statement of diagnosis, the subtype 如果适用的话, with ICD-10 code
    • the diagnostic criteria on which the diagnosis is based
    • 不能包含 wording such as "seems to indicate" or "suggests."
  • A discussion of any of the following, as applicable:
    • a history of presenting symptoms and relevant medical history
    • 当前减值说明
    • a summary of assessment procedures and evaluation instruments/reports used
    • diagnosis duration and severity of the disorder
    • treatment and medication history, including medication side effects
    • documentation of assistive devices and technology used, with estimated effectiveness; this would include a history of any disability-related accommodation(s)
    • status of the individual’s condition - static, improving, or degrading
    • 病情随时间的预期进展
  • The current functional limitations – the ways that the diagnosed disability substantially limits the student in a major life activity – of the individual in an academic environment.
  • Appropriate and specific recommendations for accommodation in an academic environment, accompanied by clear rationale supported by interview, 观察, 和/或测试.

4. 支持文档

合格医生的报告, 而必要的, is by no means the only documentation we can use to better understand and accommodate the student with a chronic medical/ health disability. Other helpful documents include: reports/recommendations from rehabilitation centers and/or programs, 过往住宿记录, high school 504 plans or IEPs and previous medical evaluations. 请参阅 DRC 102 General Medical and/or 心理健康 Documentation Form [PDF], should you wish to add this to your supporting documentation.

*Please note the on-campus DRC office is currently closed. Students must submit documentation as an attachment to (电子邮件保护) 在他们预定的约会之前.
