新Res网 WiFi

As part of the Welcome 首页 2025 program, EMU is beginning to deploy a new WiFi system in the Residence Halls.  

For Fall 2023 and Winter 2024, the new system is available in:

  • 唐宁
  • 沃尔顿
  • 普特南
  • Building D in the Village


  • Ability to retrieve your EMU-Res网 password before you arrive on campus; you'll be ready to connect all your devices to the 无线网络 when you arrive.
  • Simplicity of connection type provides compatibility with a vast range of Wi-Fi devices.
  • Use of a unique password allows all of your registered devices to communicate with each other within your Residence Hall room.

Retrieve your WPA2 Password/PSK

你需要一个 WPA2 password (PSK or pre-shared key) to connect to the EMU-Res网 无线网络. Using a cellular data 网络, 打开无线网络, 或者其他联系, follow the instructions below to complete the registration process and retrieve your unique WPA2 password/PSK.

  1. Using a web browser, visit the WiFi "My Devices Registration Portal" at:  http://emich.campuswifi.net
  2. 单击 管理我的设备 button.
  3. 单击 复选框 to agree to the terms and conditions.
  4. 单击 继续 button.
  5. If prompted, login using your EMU email address ((电子邮件保护))及密码.
  6. Click to accept the Duo Prompt.
  7. The My Devices/Guest registration Portal displays.
  8. 单击 生成密码 button to generate your WPA2 Password/PSK.
  9. 单击 eye icon to view your personal WPA2 password (PSK). Make note of your password as you will use it to connect all of your WiFI devices to the Residence Hall 网络. 
      • This password is unique to your EMU account login
      • Do not share this password with others
      • The QR code can be used to connect wireless devices like your phone or tablet

注意: On subsequent visits to the portal, you only need to click the 生成密码 button if you wish to change your Password/PSK and update the password on all of your connected devices.


  1. 连接到 EMU-Res网 无线网络.
  2. Enter the unique PSK/WPA2 Password that you generated on the My Devices/Guest registration Portal (instructions 上图).

Create Guest Vouchers

If you have a visitor, you can create a Guest Voucher to provide them with temporary access to the EMU-ResGuest 无线网络. 

  1. 单击 管理我的设备 button.
  2. 单击 复选框 to agree to the terms and conditions.
  3. 单击 继续 button.
  4. If prompted, login using your EMU mail address ((电子邮件保护))及密码.
  5. Click to accept the Duo Prompt.
  6. The My Devices/Guest registration Portal displays.
  7. 向下滚动到 Manage your Guest Code(s) 场.
  8. 单击 添加代码 button.
    • You can create up to four (4) codes and/or remove old codes. 
    • Codes are good for one device and are locked to that device. 
  9. Provide the 券代码 to your guest.

访客登录到 EMU-ResGuest

To login to EMU-ResGuest your guest should:

  1. 连接到 EMU-ResGuest 网络. Your guest will automatically be redirected to the portal at http://emich.campuswif.net
  2. Enter the voucher code you provided in the 券代码 盒子.
  3. 单击 复选框 to agree to terms and conditions.
  4. 单击 继续 button to login to the EMU-ResGuest 网络.


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