帮助 EMU Reduce Costs by using 两人推

不像“给我推送消息” option, Duo charges EMU each time someone uses the 打电话给我” or “把新代码发给我” feature in Duo to authenticate their password. While the cost of roughly two cents per call and one cent per text message sounds insignificant (rates are higher for international calls/texts), 加起来!  From January 2020 through June 2020, EMU was charged for 223,000 phone calls and 103,000条短信, costing the University an extra $6,500.00.

  • How can I help EMU reduce costs? 展开下拉

    If you have a smartphone, EMU recommends installing the Duo Mobile App, enrolling your Smartphone and using the “给我推送消息” feature to authenticate your password. 

  • Are there other reasons to use 两人推?   展开下拉
    • 是的,这样比较快!  Duo push is quicker than a text or phone call.  Authenticating with a text message requires waiting to receive the text, reading a passcode and then typing it in. Authenticating with a phone call requires you to wait for the call, 接电话, listen to the recording, and use the telephone keypad to approve the login.  两人推 is as simple as approving a notification on your smartphone.
    • 是的,这样更安全!  两人推 uses cutting-edge end-to-end encryption that text messages and phone calls cannot use.  The 两人推 screen displays detailed information about the application and source device that initiated the authentication request.
  • How much data does a 两人推 use?   展开下拉
    几乎没有. 500 pushes to your device will use 1 MB of data in total. 1MB is roughly the equivalent of loading one webpage on your smartphone.
  • Does Installing the Duo Mobile App give up control of my phone? 展开下拉
    • No. Duo Mobile does not have access to change the settings on your phone;  it cannot read your email, or see your browser history. Duo Mobile must have your permission to send you notifications and cannot remotely wipe your phone.
    • The visibility that Duo Mobile requires (e.g. OS version, device encryption status, screen lock, etc.) is used to verify the security of your device and recommend security improvements. You control whether you take action on these recommendations.
  • Why does the Duo Mobile app need access to my camera? 展开下拉
    The Duo Mobile app accesses your camera to scan a QR code during activation; it is not used for any other purpose.
  • What if I don’t have a WiFi connection or cellular reception? 展开下拉
    没有问题. Tap the down arrow icon in the Duo Mobile App to generate an authentication passcode. You do not need an internet connection or cellular signal to generate these passcodes.
  • When does EMU recommend that I use the “打电话给我” or “把新代码发给我” options? 展开下拉
    • When you get a new phone (with the same number) and need to activate the Duo app on the new phone.
    • When you don’t have a smartphone. 
    • When you need to use your office or other phone as a backup authentication method when your smartphone is unavailable.  
    • When you are  traveling internationally where phone calls or text messages are more reliable than Internet service.








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